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Gov. Quinn Signs Medical Marijuana Bill

Chicago DIspensariesToday Governor Pat Quinn signed the bill legalizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes in Illinois.

The law will take effect January 1, 2014. Illinois regulators are likely to need months to come up with the rules, which will probably be some of the strictest in the country.

People suffering from 42 illnesses, including AIDS/HIV, cancer, and multiple sclerosis, can legally seek relief through medical marijuana in Illinois.

Under the new medical marijuana law, a person can be prescribed no more than 2.5 ounces of marijuana over a two week period. As well, the prescribing doctor must have a past and ongoing medical relationship with the patient seeking medical marijuana.

Patients will be able to buy marijuana from one of 60 dispensaries throughout Illinois. Patients will not be allowed to grow their own medical marijuana.

Employees at dispensaries will have to undergo criminal background checks. Dispensaries will be under 24 hour camera surveillance, and patients will have ID cards that track the quantity that has purchased at the dispensaries.